Sunday, October 12, 2008

Untangling Secret

There is a well-known fact amoung Faeries that is not a "secret", necessarily, but only Candi Ciona is kind enough to share it on occasion. Obviously, a child must be gifted with "perfect curls" at Birth. And, as everybody knows, "perfect curls" are completely uncontrollable, untameable, and easily, impossibly knotted. Deserving persons do not always hear, since, as everybody also knows, Faeries have a different sense of time than we do. Most importantly, they only speak directly with royalty. (Forgive me for stating the obvious!)

I happened to be recording a new recipe for the Queen Mother while she was personally giving her sweet Princess a bath. Candi Ciona appeared in thin air following the faintly popping bubbles that always precedes and lingers after her visits. I stayed absolutely still to not call attention to myself, and so it is I can share the "secret" she imparted to the Queen Mother to all who need it! Any parent might find this useful, but any parent of a child with "perfect curls" will find this essential! I give to you, as I heard, in riddle form:

"The Mermaid holds the key to Unlock what you need."

Isn't that brilliant?

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