Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Spillage Containment and the Growing Princess

The Little Princess noticed that she has been growing a lot. In fact, she decided she has grown enough to help her Queen Momma around the house a little.

Now, she had watched her Momma do very many loads of laundry, and carefully remembered all the steps. First she tried to open the Fabric Softener, which was easy, but there was very little left, and really, all she could reach was the toilet. The Eldest Brother discovered this small smattering of an attempt and reported her progress to the Queen Mother. The Queen, however, did not have a speedy answer to the Princess that day. Although she had the mess cleaned up, she did not present The Way of Things so that the Princess would try Other big-girl activities.

So it was that the Princess got herself into quite a bit of Trouble shortly afterwards when she attempted to put Liquid Laundry Soap in the Washing Machine. The Soap container was quite full and heavy and the Washer so, so high above the Princess's head, that it is no wonder that a spill occured. The Princess immediately recognized the Wrong Turn of Events and called to the Queen Momma to come quickly. The Queen must have guessed immediately, because this time, she came swiftly - and a good thing, too, because the bottle was very full and still glugging out all over the Royal floor!

This time the Princess was hugged and recognized as a Valient Helper and instructed to wait until she was taller for this task, which she was happy to acknowledge in the face of the Large Spreadage of Soap. The King was quick to point out that dirty laundry would be a wise cleaning tool and had extra towels brought at once.

The Royal Family is happy to Announce that the spillage was not only cleaned up promptly, but barely a drop was wasted due to wise foresight. However, should you happen to visit their Kingdom in the coming days and spill, say, a small cup of water in just the right square footage, be ever so careful that you not learn the meaning of the Littlest Prince's word "slick".

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